Sunday, May 8, 2011

My bittersweet mother's day

Today I am both sad and happy... As Jeffrey said in his mother's day card, "This year we became parents and together we experienced one of the worst thing parents could ever experience..."

It still hurts and I still cry at times.

But like I've always said, I'm still grateful I even got the brief chance to experience being a mother and to feel such an intense bond. I am also comforted in knowing I have such a wonderful partner and that when the right time comes, our child will grow up in a very loving home with parents who will adore him/her. I am a good wife because you are a good husband. Thank you for everything... I love you.

Today I also celebrate my own mother and all the other mothers out there who love their children unconditionally and who sacrifice anything and everything for them everyday... I hope I get to be a mum again... one day...

An ode to my mother...

My mother is and has always been my hero. She is the pillar of our family of 6. From moving from country to country and continent to continent, in our life of constant change, my mum has been the one thing we could always rely on NOT to change. She was our constant in our constantly changing world.
Furthermore, my mum is a strong individual who has always believed in us, supported us and motivated us children. She is the reason why I am a nurse. Because she believed that I could be and because I aspired to be as good and dedicated a nurse as she was. My mum kept saying that we always had to be good role models and "well rounded individuals". I realize how important it is to be and whatever good there is in me, I know I owe it to her...
I love you mum...