Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 11

Late Entry... Sometime last week...

So thus far, pregnancy has me kind of all over the place... So in short, here is a list of pros and cons of my first trimester...
Let's start with the bad: CONS

1. I still have waves of nausea... and sometimes I start to dry heave mid-sentence. Can be quite embarrassing and not to mention offensive! I mean gagging in someone's face? I'd be offended... And as a consequence, my appetite is so-so... BUT then... (continue reading #2)

2. I have violent hunger pangs. And by violent it means, food must ENTER my mouth in no more than a few seconds OR ELSE... No seriously, I start to tremor and get really weak. I think those are signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) because the baby is siphoning all the nutrients from me.

3. Lethargy. I have no energy... I think that's why it's taking me this long to do an entry here... I wake up tired, eat, then nap, then eat, then nap... It's like I never fully recover. It's exhausting yet I don't do anything!

4. My hair: So other people have told me, your hair gets thicker... And I get it, mine is like thick and healthy it's lovely... but my BABY HAIRS! They are out of control! They have grown exponentially and now have created layers and a bangs for me! I thought this happened after giving birth! It's completely bizarre and makes me have bad hair days every day :(

5. My skin: So I remember someone telling me once, that her feet got so dry... And low and behold, mine have become like hobbit feet. Once, in bed, Jeffrey asked me if I was wearing shoes... :S Yes people, my skin is so rough. I just don't understand...

6. Diarrhea or constipation or BOTH. So my digestive system is out of whack. Was expecting this, but boy, it's just a pain in the ass... pun intended! haha

7. Mood swings. My hormones are crazy. One minute I'm laughing, next minute I'm crying... One minute I'm needy, next minute I need space and want to be alone. Poor husband of mine.

8. Indigestion. Once I had heartburn so bad, I thought I was dying. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack or a gallstone attack... Well they still haven't ruled out the gallstones. But it hasn't come back since.

9. Pregnancy brain. I used to think it was a myth. But it's true. I'm forgetful. I feel dumb and I feel like my brain has HOLES in it.

10. I miss certain foods. Sushi, runny egg yolk, salami, COFFEE (even though I occasionally drink a cup here and there)

Now for the good, PROS:

1. Jeffrey has no excuse. He must do everything and anything I ask him. It's wonderful and he never questions me... This is will be an awesome 9 months! hehe

2. I have an affinity towards animals. Jeffrey seems to think it's my maternal instinct kicking in, but even though I was an animal lover before, I love them even more now. Too much in fact, that if I see animal cruelty on tv or movies... I start to cry (but this may also play into #7 in list of CONS). So I've been paying extra attention to my doggie and I think he likes it too.

3. I get anything I crave. Been mainly craving sour foods. I love oranges, orange juice, mangoes, grapefruits... Anything sour or tart!

4. Pregnancy is the greatest excuse out of any jam! I've gotten away with so much now that I'm pregnant. hehe

5. I get to be lazy, my excuse #4

6. I get to share wonderful news with friends and family, I get to be happy with people who are happy for us... And I get to hear all of your wonderful well wishes... It's so heart-warming and so touching. Especially when you tell us, "we are going to be good parents". We truly hope to be the best we can be.

7. Jeffrey seems to love me more. I think because he realizes I'm taking on a bigger role in our relationship, well we both are, but I have to be pregnant and give birth... He cares more so now and in such a different way. He kisses my belly. He holds my hand more, he opens doors more, he doesn't make me carry stuff... He appreciates me even more. It's such a wonderful feeling.

8. Even though I have more on my list of CONS, this one trumps them all:

I am going to be a mum.

I'm so excited...


  1. When's the big FB announcement?

  2. Maybe after next ultrasound... So first week of April

  3. yeah cuz you know it's official till it's on FB! hahahaha!

  4. LOL Madane... that's exactly what GP said when he found out, that he wouldn't believe it till I posted it on FB! haha

  5. i'm actually curious to see how long you can go without people getting suspicious. anyone care to wager??????
